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In this webinar DTC Business Coach and Strategic Consultant, Georgia Rasmussen will look at benchmarking your existing DTC Channel vs the Global DTC Winery Market. Through that process, Georgia will discuss and define the key metrics you should be tracking to measure your success, and will then walk through how to prioritise your to do list drive program improvement. 

Wineries attending this Webinar are likely to be at different stages of the growth curve, but there will be something for everyone in this hour of talking DTC.


This webinar is free to ALL WCA Members. To register, CLICK HERE

Non-members will be charged $50+GST to access the webinar. To pay and register CLICK HERE



Georgia has over 25 year’s experience as a Business Manager and Consumer Marketing professional in the private and public sectors with the majority of her experience residing in the wine category. She has a strong record of success building and managing direct / digital marketing businesses in the USA and Australia.