Wine Communicators of Australia (WCA) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Prue Kline as its new Marketing Coordinator. Joining the WCA in November 2018, Prue has a strong background and over two decades of involvement in the wine industry, with a wide breadth of experience ranging from sales and segmentation, events and tourism, and relationship management.  

WCA Executive Officer, Lynda Schenk said the appointment would see the WCA continue to grow in importance and influence within the wine communications scene, and enable it to further build on its mandate as a ‘go-to’ resource for its members and the wine industry as a whole.

“The addition of someone with Prue’s experience and knowledge of the wine industry to the WCA marketing function will allow the organisation to even more effectively connect professionals working in wine,” she said.

“We are delighted to welcome Prue to the team, and believe she will provide an important and long term contribution to the WCA and its members.”