The diversity of focus and concern for wine professionals during the current crisis

2020-06-17T10:02:35+09:3016 April 2020|Blog, News|

As a state committee of Wine Communicators of Australia, we see ourselves as a small sample of the membership group. The following thoughts were an outcome of the discussion we had together as a team and I have asked permission to share these sentiments.  Being a professional working in wine right now is tough.  Like never before have we seen the impact of drought in water prices and lower yields,

WSET ramps up digital learning in response to Covid-19

2020-04-16T13:41:22+09:3016 April 2020|Media release, News|

The Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET), the world’s largest global provider of wine, spirits and sake qualifications, has announced that it is fast-tracking its investment plans for online delivery of all its qualifications. WSET currently offers its Levels 1-4 Award in Wines and Levels 1-2 in Spirits as online courses. However, in response to the current situation - which forced the vast majority of its 800+ course providers to

Wine Communicators Wine Industry Mentor Program for 2020 launched

2020-06-17T10:07:25+09:3016 April 2020|Media release, News|

The Wine Communicators of Australia (WCA) and the Adelaide Business School of the University of Adelaide are proud to announce the recipients of the 2020 Wine Industry Mentor Program.  Having received a number of high calibre mentee applications to be matched with 26 wine sector leaders, the pairing process was a no easy task for the panel. The Wine Industry Mentor Program aims to boost both the personal and professional

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