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Are you interested in tangible information that wine producers should consider when exporting wine to the USA?

In this webinar, Kirstin Hannan will provide you with key learnings from recent Wine Opinions research conducted for the Australian wine sector, funded by Wine Australia. These insights will help you to improve on marketing strategies with consumers and trade, along with how collective marketing efforts to build positive sentiment and awareness of premium Australian wine is driving demand.

Armando Corsi from the University of South Australia’s Ehrenberg-Bass Institute will present the key findings from the project Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the USA export market. You will hear about the product features that USA consumers and trade operators (importers, distributors, retailers and restaurants) care about and value the most when choosing premium wine, which – in turn – will help you focus your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Amelia Harris will provide an update on Aussie Wine Month – the largest-ever Australian wine presence in the USA – commencing 1 September 2019. The event – made possible by the Australian Government’s $50 million Export and Regional Wine Support Package – is the most significant investment int the USA market that Wine Australia has ever made.

Presented By:

  • Kirstin Hannan, Senior Market Analyst, Wine Australia
  • Associate Professor Armando Maria Corsi, Senior Marketing Scientist, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
  • Amelia Harris, Communications Manager – Export Regional Wine Support Package, Wine Australia

All webinars presented by Wine Australia are FREE for all to attend.