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Finlaysons are specialist wine industry lawyers and do a lot of work in the area of family business succession. They firmly believe that succession planning is not just about trying to prevent the kids from having a fight when mum and dad are out of the picture; rather, it is also very much about elevating the business to a higher plane in terms of its operations and success.

This webinar will:  

  • take clients through what to expect when embarking on a family business succession project. 
  • outline some examples of common business structures and how they can be evolved when the business is transmitted to the next generation.
  • consider some important “tips and traps” relating to succession on death.
  • explain some recent useful law limiting inheritance claims in a family business context.

Will Taylor, Partner
Nikki Owen, Special Counsel


To register click HERE

This webinar is free to ALL WCA Members.  Non-Members will be charged $50 + GST post registration.