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eBev is changing the way wholesale wine business is done. Collaborating with the industry, eBev is gathering and sharing transactional and listing information with the trade. This webinar will explain how you can access valuable industry and category trends, insights and analytics and answer many questions you may have about the on premise trade.

The answers to the following questions are only the beginning… 

• How many wine suppliers do on premise venues order from?
• How many cases per week do on premise venues order?
• When do on premise venues place their orders?
• How many wines do on premise venues have on their wine list?
• What are the most popular red wine varieties on wine lists (by volume)?
• What is the average price point (landed unit cost/LUC) by variety?
• What are the ‘by the bottle’ and ‘by the glass’ sell prices?
• What is the average gross profit by wine type (sparkling/white/red)?

Cassandra MacDonald, General Manager, eBev

To register, click HERE

This webinar is free to ALL WCA Members. Non-Members will be charged $50 + GST post registration.