WCA welcomes new Marketing Co-ordinator

2017-04-21T12:15:44+09:3031 March 2017|News|

Wine Communicators Australia (WCA) are pleased to announce the appointment of their new Marketing Coordinator, Maria Calabrese. Maria comes to the role with a strong events and retail background. After successfully running her own business, Maria moved into a career focusing on retail and customer service. The last two years has seen Maria expanding her experience into event and project management working with the Australia Wine Research Institute with the

How to sell (more) wine online webinar

2017-05-12T13:51:45+09:3015 March 2017|Past webinar|

Is there another organisation that has a better overarching  view and data on how to sell wine online, than Wine-Searcher?  Next to Google, Wine-Searcher sends more wine enthusiasts to wine web sites. 4,5 million wine enthusiasts currently use the site. Suzanne Kendrick, Wine-Searcher's Head of Marketing is uniquely placed to share what the actions she sees wine producers and wine retailers need to do to take to sell more


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