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Held in conjunction with Winemaker’s Federation of Australia (WFA), the Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) legislation changes were agreed by the Australian Parliament on 17 August 2017 and are now law, known as the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measure No.4) Act 2017. Winemakers who currently access the rebate, or sell grapes to a wine producer who receives the rebate, will need to understand the implications of the changes.

Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) is working with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to develop guidance on the key changes before the next vintage. WFA is pleased to be able to collaborate with the ATO to provide this webinar for all interested parties who these changes will impact on.

The Webinar will cover key issues arising from the legislative changes, including:

Cap reduction
Associated producers
Eligibility criteria
WET credits
Application and transitional provisions
ATO support

Presenters are – Naomi Schell and Sally Fonovic

This Webinar is free of charge to ALL participants. 



More on our Presenters:

Naomi Schell

Naomi is a Senior Technical Advisor in the Excise Product Leadership Branch in Indirect Tax, and am based in Adelaide.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws from Flinders University, and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. I have been employed with the ATO since 2003. Naomi has over 10 years’ experience providing advice and technical support in relation to excise and other indirect taxes, specialising in alcohol excise, and wine equalisation tax




Sally Fonovic

Sally holds a Bachelor of Business Management (Commercial Law) from University of South Australia, and have been employed with the ATO for 17 years. 

She have worked in the area of wine equalisation tax for most of that time.  Previously working in compliance and risk, Sally now currently hold the position of Technical Advisor in the Excise Product Leadership Branch in Indirect Tax.