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This webinar details the five things you absolutely need to know about using digital marketing to grow your wine business in China.

Find out about:

  • Digital marketing and social media in China – how it differs from the Western world
  • The Chinese consumer digital journey – who influences the decisions, when, where and how
  • Lost in translation – how culture and language can impact on your digital success
  • Online to offline – what does that all mean?
  • Being authentic – and why that matters

Plus lots of interesting case studies, stories and anecdotes!

We are not claiming to be experts but we have experienced the highs and lows of marketing to Chinese consumers and along the way we have learned a few critical lessons about what works and what doesn’t. The webinar will help wine businesses to see some of the exciting opportunities that lie ahead but also the challenges and communication faux pas that are easy to make when developing and growing a market in China.

Presented by:
Jayne Gallagher – Managing Director, Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Helen Johnston – Partner, Honey and Fox Pty Ltd
Mark Tanner – Managing Director, China Skinny


WCA members can attend this event free of charge. Non-members will be charged $50 + GST and invoiced post registration.