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2017 WCA Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Rule 7.1 of the Constitution of Wine Communicators of Australia Limited ABN 81 151 598 168, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company will be held 1st November 2017 at the Pernod Ricard Office, Sydney at 5.30pm.


  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Acceptance of apologies received and those tendered from the floor of the meeting
  3. Tendering of proxies to be used in any resolution conducted at the AGM
  4. To receive the minutes of the General Meeting of Members of Wine Communicators of Australia Ltd held on 8th November 2016
  5. To receive the report of the Chair of Wine Communicators of Australia Ltd
  6. To receive the Annual Report of the Treasurer of Wine Communicators of Australia Ltd, the financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2017
  7. To receive the report of the Executive Officer
  8. Members questions on notice
  9. To appoint a returning officer for the election of Directors of the Board
  10. To elect six Directors of the Board nominated to fill six vacancies in accordance with Clause 11.4 and 12.1 of the Constitution and By-Law 5.2 of Wine Communicators of Australia Ltd
  11. Next Annual General Meeting:  November 2018. Date and time to be advised as per rules

Those members wishing to submit a proxy, or a question on notice for the AGM, must be financial members as at 1st November 2017, and must have their duly completed proxy or question submitted to the address below by close of business on Friday, 20th October 2017.  The proxy forms can be downloaded below.

Jeffrey Wilkinson
Company Secretary
Wine Communicators of Australia Ltd